MISHA Headquarters 

Discover the MISHA headquarters. A curated space created by our founder Michelle Aznavorian. A unique blend of contemporary and vintage pieces that honour the past, present and future of MISHA.

Explore our interview with our founder as she discusses her inspiration and styling go to's.

Q: Tell us about the pieces sourced for the office
“All the pieces in the office are vintage from the 70's-90's era and sourced from a variety of auction houses”

Q: What is your source of inspiration?
“Modern vintage Italian influence, brushed chrome, red and gloss black. I find this palette speaks to the brand, it's has an element of sophistication with a sensual and sexy twist”

Model infront of vending machine in MISHA Dress

Q: If you could invest in one piece to lift a room, what would it be?
“A painting. Predominantly due to its timelessness and its subjectivity. Choosing the right painting can be tricky however, it's all about the lasting impression it leaves you with... is it intriguing, does it speak to your personal aesthetic and are you impressed by it... This is my criteria for choosing the right artwork for the space.”

Q: Do you prefer buying new or vintage pieces, and why?
“I enjoy the history of a vintage piece...I'm inspired by unique designs and the decades that have gone by since it was created and I admire how relevant it can still be today.”

Q: What type of music do you like playing in the MISHA Office?
“Anything 90's! 90's Madonna and more recently Rick Rublin's playlist curated for Balenciaga.”

Q: Your favourite pieces from MISHA Fall ’24 Collection?
“Definitely The 'Jennifer' Dress is a stand out this season. Wearing it gave me a goddess like feeling”